Be Love Now by Ram Dass

Be Love Now

by Ram Dass

As one of the most respected spiritual explorers of recent times, Ram Dass sparked a revolution with the publication of his 2-million-copy classic, Be Here Now. Since then, he has been a beacon for spiritual seekers worldwide, challenging us to find new sources of meaning and purpose in our lives.

Be Love Now is a remarkable blend of autobiography and timeless spiritual insights. From his beginnings as a Harvard psychologist and psychedelic adventurer to his profound encounters with his Indian guru, Neem Karoli Baba, and moving beyond the reawakening brought on by his near-fatal illness, Ram Dass strikes a practical, humorous, soul-stirring chord in today's egotistical and lonely world. While offering us his rich life experiences, he also holds out a timeless, wonderfully universal adventure that will open our hearts and minds.

Reviewed by paganathiest on

4 of 5 stars

A fascinating read on the Hindu practice of ‘being love’ from spiritual guru Ram Dass. Though the first third was excellent, I felt that middle third was somewhat verbose and could have been condensed.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 July, 2019: Finished reading
  • 4 July, 2019: Reviewed