The Clockwork Scarab by Colleen Gleason

The Clockwork Scarab (Stoker and Holmes)

by Colleen Gleason

Evaline Stoker and Mina Holmes never meant to get into the family business. But when you're the sister of Bram and the niece of Sherlock, vampire hunting and mystery solving are in your blood, so to speak. And when two young society girls disappear-one dead, one missing-there's no one more qualified to investigate. Now fierce Evaline and logical Mina must resolve their rivalry, navigate the advances of not just one but three mysterious gentlemen, and solve a murder with only one clue: a strange Egyptian scarab. The pressure is on and the stakes are high-if Stoker and Holmes don't figure out why London's finest sixteen-year-old women are in danger, they'll become the next victims.

Reviewed by limabean74 on

4 of 5 stars

This is my first book from Colleen Gleason and my first Steampunk style read, I am now a fan of both.

Evalina Stoker and Alvermina Holmes are complete opposites; the only thing they have in common is they are both related to some pretty famous men.

Evalina Stoker is the sister of Bram Stoker. She is very popular and a socialite, invited to all the parties but she has a secret that only her brother knows she is a 17 year old badass Vampire Hunter by Heritage with Superhuman strength.

Alvermina (Mina) Holmes is the niece of Sherlock Holmes. She is very observant and prefers clockworks and modern mechanisms. She is extremely smart and tends to spend a lot of her time by herself. For some reason I really liked Mina I loved how quirky she was and her manner of speaking. I hate to pick favorite but I really enjoyed reading the book in Mina's POV.

The story takes place in 1889 London; both girls receive a little from a mysterious person to meet at the British museum. They are asked to help find who is responsible for the death of High Society Girls. Each girl is found with an Egyptian Scarab by her bodies and a strange person named the Ankh seems to be behind it. Who is the Ankh and can the girls put their differences aside to help find the killer? Will they be able to find them in enough time prevent anyone else from dying?

There was three guys in this book; Pix, Dylan and Inspector Grayling. Evalina and Pix has great chemistry I loved reading about the both of them together, they really played off of each other great. Mina and Inspector Grayling also had great chemistry I actually thought it was rather funny how she was so snarky with him. I didn't feel Dylan got enough page time. I am hoping to learn more about him in the next book.

I loved the mystery, history, steampunk, romance and even a bit of time travel.

I have to recommend this book. It did leave me with a lot of questions but that makes me more eager to read the next one when it comes out. Even if you are a first time reader of steampunk or love it this is a fantastic read.

I gave The Clockwork Scarab 4/5 stars because of its original story, awesome writing style and fantastic characters you grow to love.

Looking forward to reading more from Colleen Gleason and really looking forward to the next book :)

See the trailer on my blog

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  • Started reading
  • 14 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 August, 2013: Reviewed