The Tomb by Paul Wilson

The Tomb

by Paul Wilson

Much to the chagrin of his girlfriend, Gia, Repairman Jack doesn't deal with electronic appliances-he fixes situations for people, often putting himself in deadly danger. His latest project is recovering a stolen necklace, which carries with it an ancient curse that may unleash a horde of Bengali demons. Jack is used to danger, but this time Gia's daughter Vicky is threatened. Can Jack overcome the curse of the yellow necklace and bring Vicky safely back home?

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Repairman Jack isn't a man who repairs things normally, he's a man living off the grid and who will repair things that the normal channels can't. He can do it with violence and intimidation but it's from a moment in his life where the unthinkable happened that his life changed.

This story starts with his trying to find an old woman for his ex-girlfriend and simultaneously find a necklace robbed from an old woman. Then things get strange and wierd and Repairman Jack is put to the pin of his collar to fix things.

It's interesting, I like Jack, even if he is a bit of a Gary Stu, he's an interesting and complex character and his logic makes sense, at least to me. I look forward to reading more in this series

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  • Started reading
  • 27 November, 2008: Finished reading
  • 27 November, 2008: Reviewed