Finding Spring by Carin Berger

Finding Spring

by Carin Berger

Instead of hibernating as he should, a little bear cub goes out in search of spring-and he thinks he's found it! Gloriously illustrated with dioramas and cut-paper collages by the award-winning designer and illustrator Carin Berger, this stunning picture book celebrates the changing of the seasons. A baby bear cub named Maurice is curious about spring-and he's upset when Mama tells him that before he can experience his first spring, he has to hibernate through his first winter! Mischievous Maurice decides to leave their warm den and go find spring for himself. He asks all his friends for help ...and finally finds something beautiful and full of magic and light. Spring! He wraps it up and takes it home, determined to show Mama and everyone else. The only problem? When Maurice wakes up, his little piece of spring (a snowball) has melted. This gloriously illustrated book celebrates friendship, curiosity, discovery, and the meaning and beauty of two seasons-winter and spring. Ideal for the classroom, seasonal story times, and bedtime reading.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Add to shelves: ARC, Season Spring, Fall, Winter, Children, Greenwillow, HC

I cannot imagine how much time and effort goes into making a picture book such as this collage. It is quite lovely and full of it's own unique personality. This little bear cub is in search of spring and finds the unique bits if each season in between.

Thanks to HC for an ARC.
Updated Jacketed Hardcover


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  • 9 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 9 October, 2014: Reviewed