The Grendel Affair by Lisa Shearin

The Grendel Affair (SPI Files, #1)

by Lisa Shearin

We’re Supernatural Protection & Investigations, known as SPI. Things that go bump in the night, the monsters you thought didn’t exist? We battle them and keep you safe. But some supernatural baddies are just too big to contain, even for us…
When I moved to New York to become a world famous journalist, I never imagined that snagging a job at a seedy tabloid would change my career path from trashy reporter to undercover agent. I’m Makenna Fraser, a Seer for SPI. I can see through any disguise, shield, or spell that a paranormal pest can come up with. I track down creatures and my partner, Ian Byrne, takes them out.
Our cases are generally pretty routine, but a sickle-wielding serial killer has been prowling the city’s subway tunnels. And the murderer’s not human. The fiend in question, a descendant of Grendel—yes, that Grendel—shares his ancestor’s hatred of parties, revelry, and drunkards. And with New Year’s Eve in Times Square only two days away, we need to bag him quickly. Because if we don’t find him—and the organization behind him—by midnight, our secret’s out and everyone’s time is up.


Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Apparently, there is a prequel to this called Lucky Charms, which was released as part of the Night Shift Anthology. I didn't feel lost, but I am curious.

Makenna (Mac) Fraser's special ability allows her to see through any disguise, shield, or spell used by the supernatural. Makenna is smart, snarky and has good instincts. That doesn't mean she isn't scared shitless most of the time, but she has a good head on her shoulders.  She is level-headed and an asset to the team. Ian her partner is a little more straightlaced but I think he may surprise us. Their boss is a hoot. The SPI, agency is almost a character in and of itself. They operate in secret, monitoring and protecting the supernatural world from itself and interactions with humans.

This was a fun start to the series and right away I felt at home with the SPI unit. Snark, banter and delightful humor combined with intense action scenes and nasty creatures threatening to expose them all made for an entertaining listen.

This urban fantasy is a genre-bender.  It delivered so many elements I love, including mythology and mystery. Shearin offers a fresh take on dragons and seers and includes unique characters like the Grendel from Beowulf.

The story hooked me from the start but the middle for sagged a little before picking back up. However, the storyline and premise have huge potential as do the secondary characters. A certain vampire cracked me up and I am eager to start book two. I will continue on audio as Johanna Parker was fantastic from her accents to the pacing.

This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 25 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 25 May, 2018: Reviewed