Never Evers by Tom Ellen, Lucy Ivison

Never Evers

by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison

Kicked out of ballet academy and straight into a school ski trip,
Mouse knows certain classmates can't wait to see her fall flat on
her face. Meanwhile, Jack looks forward to danger and girls, but
hasn't a clue about either. That's until French teen sensation
Roland arrives in the resort - who Jack's a dead ringer for. When
Roland persuades Jack to be his stand-in for a day, Jack, in disguise,
declares his feelings for Mouse. But what happens when he's
no longer a pop star - will it be music and magic on the slopes?

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

I was looking for something fun and cute, and I found it in Never Evers. This is on the lower end of YA, which I enjoy reading from time to time, because their experiences and goals tend to be a little different from that of upper YA. I loved all the characters, and their awkward attempts to get their first kisses, but I also enjoyed the friendship that they shared as well. This was a fun and funny and a great way to pass some time.


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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 21 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 21 December, 2018: Reviewed