Midnight Marked by Chloe Neill

Midnight Marked (Chicagoland Vampires, #12)

by Chloe Neill

As the Chicagoland Vampires series continues, Merit and Ethan find themselves in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse, where winning may require the ultimate sacrifice...
A vampire’s grudges don’t stay dead long...
Merit is one of Chicago's most skilled vampire warriors; these days, she doesn't scare easily. But she and Master vampire Ethan have made a new and powerful enemy, and he won't give up until he owns the Windy City.
With his last plan thwarted, he's more determined than ever to watch Cadogan burn. Ethan has put the House's vampires on high alert, but their enemy...Read more

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 Cocktails

I adore this series and I'm sad that we're at the second to last book. Each book, since the book where Ethan came back, has gotten better and better. MIDNIGHT MARKED is no exception. These characters continue to grow, bond with one another. That was very evident in this story as uber Alpha Ethan came out and we saw a Merit who was unsure how to deal with his unreasonably emotional response to their latest threat.

As with many books in this series, good supernaturals prevail over those that are out to cause trouble. The same happened here. But I loved how members of Cadogen house are standing up to their supernatural counterparts and calling BS. Ethan with Gabriel. Merit with the entire RG. Catcher somewhat with the Order. You could see things are going to be changing in supernatural Chicago. I

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  • Started reading
  • 2 March, 2016: Finished reading
  • 2 March, 2016: Reviewed