Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

3 of 5 stars

Guarding Sophie is a super short novella. You can read it without having read the other books in the series (but all of them have been on my TBR so I am excited to dive into a few!). Sophie is a domestic abuse survivor on the run and Kyle is a pro football player. They knew each other in HS and randomly meet in a tiny town 4000 miles away from where they grew up. Sophie is in hiding, and in a way, so is Kyle. The 'girl on the run' trope is pretty predictable but this wasn't a bad book. Its well written (even if predictable) but it ends sort of abruptly! I was really confused because it was just sort of over. I know its a novella but it just ended oddly for me.
POV: 3rd (I have had a string of 3rd person books lately and I really don't care for 3rd person!)
Trope: girl on the run, famous athlete
Tears: no
Cliffhanger: no
Heat: 1

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  • Started reading
  • 3 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 3 November, 2015: Reviewed