For centuries, the bewitching Alisande Wyrrd has been searching for true love. But now, time is running out -- and if she doesn't find her soul mate, it could mean the end of her powers...
Alisande Wyrrd has to find a man, short-term or long-term she needs one to restore her power. She decides to do the research and find candidates, so she finds Sebastian Wainwright, thinking that he will do. When she breaks into his offices she finds herself very attracted, he's taken aback by her and wants to know more.
The relationship takes off from there, the biggest stumbling block is his disbelief in her powers which are drained from not being in a relationship for too long.
It's fun, light stuff but nothing spectacular, the two characters are quite interesting and I look forward to reading more in this universe.
Reading updates
Started reading
8 August, 2009:
Finished reading
8 August, 2009: