In This Mountain by Jan Karon

In This Mountain (Mitford Years, #7) (The Mitford trilogy, #7)

by Jan Karon

IN THIS MOUNTAIN finds Father Time and Cynthia again living in Mitford, following their stint on Whitecap Island a few years ago. Newly retired, Father Tim realises he dislikes change. Bored sitting at home trying to write a book of essays, while Cynthia is winning awards and receiving invites to tour the country, he decides to take on a unique and difficult ministry. However, an unexpected event propels him on a painful journey that shakes his faith, his marriage and the whole town of Mitford...

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

A Mitford book is a palate cleanser in my steady diet of crime, murder and unsavory characters. In this installment, Father Tim has a bit of a crisis of faith as he struggles to find his path in retirement and deals with the consequences of some of his actions. Mitford fans won’t be disappointed.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 August, 2007: Finished reading
  • 5 August, 2007: Reviewed