"Dead Ever After marked the end of the Sookie Stackhouse novels--a series that garnered millions of fans and spawned the hit HBO television show True Blood. It also stoked a hunger that will never die...a hunger to know what happened next. With characters arranged alphabetically--from the Ancient Pythoness to Bethany Zanelli--bestselling author Charlaine Harris takes fans into the future of their favorite residents of Bon Temps and environs. You'll learn how Michele and Jason's marriage fared, what happened to Sookie's cousin Hunter, and whether Tara and JB's twins grew up to be solid citizens. This coda provides the answers to your lingering questions--including details of Sookie's own happily-ever-after.... The book will feature extensive interior art by acclaimed Sookie artist Lisa Desimini, including a Sookieverse Alphabet, color endpapers, and several full-page black and white interior illustrations"--
This is not really a book, in my opinion. It is a kind of tiny re-cap per character, some I didn't even remember when I read about them. Some only had one sentence, and then over to the next page, and the next character.
I read the whole thing while taking a bath, so it probably took me around half an hour... And I was really disappointed! Good thing I just got it for my kindle, because I have asked for a refund!