Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

What an incredible resource. This book is written to pregnancy soon to be mothers, fathers, other friends and family of pregnant mothers and more. Coming from so many different angles this is a book that shows that some postpartum depression can be completely normal and it is how you handle it (and not ignore it) that really matters. In my opinion there are some things that I am hesitant to agree with in manners of breast feeding and such, but I can understand where the authors are coming from in making their point. I have also found that where some things I was adamant about my decision, from reading their psychological medical point of view, I can now see how a different decision or an open minded scenario might be preferable to every one's health. I truly feel that reading this book has been a benefit to my pregnancy and suggest it to others to read as well.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 June, 2009: Finished reading
  • 28 June, 2009: Reviewed