Touched by a Vampire by Beth Jones

Touched by a Vampire

by Beth Jones

Examine the Twilight Saga series through a Biblical lens. 

People around the world are asking the same question, enraptured with Edward and Bella’s forbidden romance in the Twilight Saga, a four-book serial phenomenon written by Stephenie Meyer. The bestsellers tell the story of a regular girl’s relationship with a vampire who has chosen to follow his “good” side. But the Saga isn’t just another fantasy–it’s teaching girls about love, sex, and purpose. With millions of copies sold and several blockbuster films, it is time to ask the important question: Can vampires teach us about God’s plan for love?

Touched by a Vampire is the first book to investigate the themes of the Twilight Saga from a Biblical perspective. Some Christian readers have praised moral principles illustrated in the story, such as premarital sexual abstinence, which align with Meyer’s Mormon beliefs. But ultimately, Beth Felker Jones examines whether the story’s redemptive qualities outshine its darkness.

Cautionary, thoughtful, and challenging, Touched by a Vampire is written for Twilight fans, parents, teachers, and pop culture enthusiasts. It includes an overview of the series for those unfamiliar with the storyline and a discussion guide for small groups.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

1 of 5 stars

Frankly I hate it. I was looking forward to this book in finding both good and bad values from the opinions of a Biblical perspective of author Beth Felker Jones. Yet what I found was that with every opinion that she put out there I felt was twisted and incorrect. Her views of fate and true love, as well as jealousy were just the beginning of my irritation and extreme differences of opinion. Continuing on with taking things that are good in comparison to most fiction readily available to our teens today and making it appear to be masked evil is just annoying. I'm frustrated with this book because I was expecting something so much better. But then I'm just one opinion and look for the light within the darkness and not the darkness within the gray areas.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 November, 2009: Finished reading
  • 19 November, 2009: Reviewed