Hooked on Ewe by Hannah Reed

Hooked on Ewe (A Scottish Highlands Mystery, #2)

by Hannah Reed

In this novel in the national bestselling Scottish Highlands Mystery series, aspiring romance novelist Eden Elliott discovers the landscape isn’t the only thing that’s dramatic when a local woman is done in...

It’s early September in Glenkillen, Scotland, when American expat (and budding romance novelist) Eden Elliott is recruited by the local inspector to act as a special constable. Fortunately it’s in name only, since not much happens in Glenkillen.

For now Eden has her hands full with other things: preparing for the sheepdog trial on the MacBride farm—a fundraiser for the local hospice—and helping her friend Vicki with her first yarn club skein-of-the-month deliveries. Everything seems to be coming together—until the head of the welcoming committee is found strangled to death with a club member’s yarn.

Now Eden feels compelled to honor her commitment as constable and herd together the clues, figure out which ones are dogs, and which ones will lead to a ruthless killer...

Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

3 of 5 stars

Hooked On Ewe The second book in the Scottish Highlands series, Hooked on Ewe was just....okay.  I really can't put my finger on exactly what it was that rubbed me the wrong way.  It just seemed....distracted, I guess.  That's the best word I can come up with.  You know when you call someone on the phone and are trying to get information from them and you can tell they're doing something else and they're not totally with you?  That's how this book felt; like the author was busy playing Candy Crush on her phone while writing this. 
I figured out whodunit fairly early on in the book, and despite several red herrings (or attempts at red herrings) I really never wavered on it.  There's also a potential love triangle in the works, and the more-than-a-little-implausible-plot-thread where Eden is made a Constable.  You know, because it's commonplace to deputize a foreigner into the police force.
Not a bad book, and I enjoyed it for the most part but a lot of little things detracted from a mediocre plot. 

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  • 22 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 22 November, 2015: Reviewed