Reviewed by BookeryBliss on

3 of 5 stars

I was so excited to read this book. I really, really was! Halfway through the book though I was beginning to lose patience with the way it was presented and could no longer ignore its flaws.

My biggest struggle was the amount of character dialogue which felt way too choppy and artificial for me. It was like I was reading a movie script, with more telling then showing going on. 90% of the plot is told to us through dialogue and the lack of immersive narrative made it impossible for me to connect to any of the characters.

I was losing interest... and that’s never a good thing for a thriller book... or any book for that matter.

The concept of the plot itself kept me reading but it was more out of obligation than suspenseful curiosity. Don’t get me wrong! There is definitely a good story within these pages, but it’s execution could have been much better. Maybe the hype for this book set my standards higher than they should have been, but it’s dialogue ultimately decided my lower star rating.

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  • 10 September, 2019: Finished reading
  • 10 September, 2019: Reviewed