The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks

The Indian in the Cupboard (Collins Modern Classics, #1) (Lythway Large Print Books) (Indian in the Cupboard, #1) (Avon Camelot Book S.) (The Dragon Books)

by Lynne Reid Banks

The Indian in the Cupboard is the first of five gripping books about Omri and his plastic North American Indian - Little Bull - who comes alive when Omri puts him in a cupboard.

For Omri, it is a dream come true when the plastic American Indian he locks into the old cupboard comes to life. Little Bull is everything an Indian brave should be - proud, fearless and defiant.

But being in charge of a real, live, human being is a heavy responsibility, as Omri soon discovers. And when his best friend, Patrick, is let in on the...

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Reviewed by BookeryBliss on

4 of 5 stars

My children and I truly enjoyed this story together. I liked the vocabulary used and the plot was easy to follow for young readers.

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  • 3 July, 2012: Reviewed