Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

This is the 2nd book in the War of Myth series, which I have been lucky enough to read. Plus even more lucky to get a mention in the book – still so touched by this !! I loved how different this book is.

I loved the change of scenery and the new characters. You can not compare the two books in this series, they run along together at the same time. Whilst Rogan is meeting Emma in book one, you have Galvanor locked up in his cell meeting Matakyli in book two. Near the end of this book, it continues on from the first book so they fit together. I love this, seeing what was going on at the same time. Plus, I get a cameo from my favourite crazy character Delentia (really want a book on her!)

In this book, we step away from the characters from the first book and focus on the missing team member of the Elv’ve’Norc, from book one, Galvanor and his life mate Matakyli and their personal struggles. Matakyli, preparing for a ritual in which she has to sacrifice her life mate in order to survive whilst all the time falling for him. Now she has to try and find a way to save her life mate because surely there is a way, he can not die, can he?

Galvanor, trying to overcome his personal demons and we learn his tragic story, whilst he fights his growing admiration for his life mate, who he should hate. When we first meet him he has no interest in having a life mate. He has to escape, get back to the team and retrieve the scrolls from the first book but that all changes. I know that some people have ‘mentioned‘ there is no Alpha-male in this book. I would have to disagree, Galvanor is his own type of Alpha-male, he is telepath with outstanding abilities, but with a past, that has scarred him both physically and mentally, and yet you still would not want to get into a fight with him. It is heartbreaking reading his story, what he has been through, and to end up chained to a wall with only a few days was hard to take. He is, however, not the quitting type, and we learn more of his powers, and his ability to dream walk into Matakyli dreams via a machine she uses, from this we begin to see the healing process and a new life he could lead.

In the book, we are in Matakyli’s world, a fierce demoness who stole something from Sebastian 13 years ago and this led on to a prophecy about Matakyli dying at his hands, which leads to her overprotective brothers, Adriel, Rahu and Pyro. Adriel is the king of the demons, the overall protector, but with a brief look into his history, you see it is full of a heartbreak we are yet to discover (unless we have a series on the Royal Demons!). He has the tough job of keeping all the siblings in order as a well as an entire realm. Rahu, he is more the ‘playboy’ of the family but I think there is more to him than meets the eye, and my personal favourite Pyro who is all about the banter. Each seems to have their own issues which I can not wait to have explored and fleshed out, even more so with Pyro with his reactions at the end of the book when there is an attack in their home. The loyalty between them is fierce, who thought that Drazen demons could have feelings outside the battle, but there is love here and respect and a lot of banter!

I do love that Miranda has introduced us to life mates. Following on from the first book, that even if your souls call out to each other, you can actually live in a world where you despise each other. I love that it is not conventional, in that they do not have to be together forever and live happily ever after. I hope we get to see that explored in the later books, do not worry it does not happen here!
It would not be a story without a twist in it, betrayals, explosions and potential murder. Boy did this twist shake me! I had to keep reading as I did not think that Miranda could be so cruel.. could she?! It was a jaw-dropping moment! You will have to read the book to find out to find out more……..
*I received this book from the author for my honest review*

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  • 15 April, 2018: Reviewed