Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

In book one of THE HAUNTING OF RACHEL HARROWAY, Rachel has embraced her gift and now works for the local police department as a detective. Together with Jenson Peak, her partner they have a proven track record for solving cases. All thanks in part to Rachel’s gift. Jenson is an atheist but has learned to trust Rachel and her insight. Donovan’s world building, particularly about Rachel’s gift was well developed and hooked me. Rachel experiences different levels of her gift from being marked to suffering the victim’s final moments. It was chilling and felt surreal.

We have a forty-year-old case involving multiple teenage girls who went missing and are discovered by a hiker. I found myself completely caught up from the “orphans” to the suspects. The pacing increased as we moved to a suspenseful climax. But, things aren’t completely resolved and Donovan leaves us in such a way, that’ll you will want to dive into book two. Available on KU, eBook, and Audio. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 2 September, 2017: Reviewed