Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

I was given this book, in return to give an honest review of this book, and the following two books as well.

Conduit is about an 18 year old girl named Celeste, and her older brother Gabe and her younger sister Kendall (wicked name by the way). They had just moved to a podunk town in Tennessee to stay with their grandmother, after a strange bout of break ins, in their hometown in Michigan.

Things seemed to be the everyday ordinary life in a small town, up until Celeste finds a statue of a Gryphon. Cutting her finger on this statue is where the story truly begins, because afterwards things start going strange for Celeste. The only thing that wasn't strange was meeting Alec, a cute up and coming reporter. Further into the book, you are thrown into a legend and from there, you get to see what becomes of Celeste and her siblings.

Conduit is a well written, well thought out story, that had me laughing so hard in some places. But the minute I picked up this book I was instantly hooked and could not put it down unless I absolutely had to. I loved the character outline of this book and how each character had a significant role to play in it. I also loved the plot-line which is original and never before have I read a book about a gryphon or where a gryphon is involved like this one, sure I've read a few that are more for the paranormal romance side of things, but this isn't one of those. This is an adventure, and one I'm anticipating on continuing as soon as I am done with this review.

I recommend this book to EVERYONE!

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  • Started reading
  • 19 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 19 June, 2013: Reviewed