Off to Be the Wizard by Scott Meyer

Off to Be the Wizard (Magic 2.0, #1)

by Scott Meyer

An io9 Can’t Miss Science Fiction and Fantasy title in March 2014.

Martin Banks is just a normal guy who has made an abnormal discovery: he can manipulate reality, thanks to reality being nothing more than a computer program. With every use of this ability, though, Martin finds his little “tweaks” have not escaped notice. Rather than face prosecution, he decides instead to travel back in time to the Middle Ages and pose as a wizard.

What could possibly go wrong?

An American hacker in King Arthur’s court, Martin must now train to become a full-fledged...Read more

Reviewed by bestmessever on

5 of 5 stars

Wow this was so much fun and it definitely filled my day with laughter and whimsy. Being a huge gamer plus fantasy nerd really makes this book seem like it was written as a love letter to us nerds out here. I really enjoyed all the references to pop culture, because they were subtle and well done. This totally captured my attention and kept me engaged the entire time. Our main character is one of those really smart people who is actually an idiot but a loveable one. I highly recommend this to any gamers or nerds but especially the ones who love RPGs.

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  • 8 January, 2020: Reviewed