Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

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Go Ahead & Like It caught my attention because I am a list making…when I get stressed out my mind begins making lists. It’s a compulsion. In high school I had a notebook specifically for lists, and I filled it with everything I could think to make a list about. Goodreads is my haven because of it…it’s a comfort in a way I have trouble explaining. So this self help book about making lists seemed to be just the thing for me.

Suskin uses this relatively short book to explain why she finds making lists helpful and healing, and unlike me focuses her list on one topic, things she likes. It can be anything from the way something smells to the the shoes on her feet. She also goes over some ways that these ‘like’ lists can help you for instance: stressful situations or as ice breakers. I did really connect with the idea of lists being able to focus you on the positive things, because I’ve been doing it for years. She also includes a lot of lists that she has made, as well as others that she has collected during her talks. It’s a practice of appreciating the things around you.

While I wouldn’t call this technique a breakthrough, I do like it quite a bit and I have no idea why I’ve never thought to make lists of things I enjoy instead of constantly cataloguing things I’ve read, watched, owned, or seen.

Here is an example list (from me)

I Like:

Warm days with a light breeze and clear blue skies
Falling asleep to the sound of a cat bathing
Late night dinners with my best friend and boyfriend
Walking barefoot on hot pavement
Staring up at the stars for so long I become dizzy
The huge chocolate covered strawberries at the Renaissance Festival
Being held by the one person I allow to touch me
Being in a room without noise or talking
Having the windows open in spring
Burying my fingers in an animal’s fur

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  • Started reading
  • 27 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 27 April, 2015: Reviewed