Reviewed by Angie on

5 of 5 stars

I've actually read the original (unedited) Under Mr. Nolan's Bed several times and loved it! I did have a few issues with some things, so I was eager to see how Temptation differs from it and if it would change my mind about those minor issues. Well, yes it did! I think the author's decision to rewrite the story and set it in 1955 just added to the experience. My only real problem with the original was that Leah seemed too innocent for an 18 year old, but I think having it set in a time where sex wasn't a topic discussed out in the open made her naivety and innocence much more believable. There are a couple of scenes that were left out--which I think was also done in the edited version--that I missed, but as a whole, Temptation is even better and still has that amazing shock ending!

One day Erica decides to share what she's discovered in her father's bedroom with her best friend, Leah. Hidden away in his dark room are books full of nude photography and there are even some shots that Mr. Nolan had taken himself. Leah had never seen anything like it before, so of course it changes her whole viewpoint on sex. She also starts thinking about Mr. Nolan as a man rather than as just her best friend's dad. From there the girls frequently head into the dark room to view these photographs and then fool around with each other. Then one night Leah enters on her own and discovers yet another room down there and catches Mr. Nolan watching a video. Leah is transfixed by the sight and soon enough she's moved on from her best friend to her best friend's father.

Yes, Temptation has a lot of sex. It is an erotic novel after all, but there is also a love story here. I'm sure plenty of us have had crushes on a friend's parent before, but for Leah and Mr. Nolan it becomes much more than that. Of course this does cause a strain on Leah and Erica's friendship, especially since they were at one point sexually involved with each other. But love does conquer all, at least for a moment...

That ending...just woah. I knew it was coming, but it was still shocking since it was in a new context. I have no idea how the original edited version ends, but it could not be better than Temptation! Unless it was the same, obviously. Leah and Mr. Nolan have dug themselves in too deep, so I can't wait to see how they get out. Or if they just go deeper...

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 26 June, 2013: Reviewed