Crossing Divides by Andrew Grey

Crossing Divides

by Andrew Grey

Carter Hopkins is on a mission. He has already written about the conflict in Syria, but is determined to go even deeper. With his editor's help, he joins a band of freedom fighters led by Jalal. But it is Jalal's brother, Nemat, who draws Carter's attention. Nemat has left the family olive grove to join his brother in fighting the Syrian government in Aleppo. When Carter saves his life and is declared an honorary member of the family, Nemat couldn't be happier, even though he knows his family will never understand his true interest in Carter. Carter and Nemat...Read more

Reviewed by CrowNoYami on

5 of 5 stars

I think what I loved most about this novel wasn't the romance, as hot and consuming as it was, what dragged me in and wouldn't let me go was the realism. Touching on a sensitive issue like Syria's living conditions and religious practices was a bold move... and it paid off.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 August, 2019: Finished reading
  • 15 August, 2019: Reviewed