The Goddess Experience by Gisele Scanlon

The Goddess Experience

by Gisele Scanlon

So would you like to live your very own Goddess experience? Whatever kind of Goddess you are, you're sure to find a little inspiration on every page of this beautifully packaged, sumptuously designed new book. What makes you happy? Experiences are what matter to me the most. I prefer doing than owning. Oh and being able to laugh out loud and dance on tables counts too! Join me on my hunt for the new experience in everything. From dressing tables to dim-sum, trainers to tea, pod hotels to pop-up stores and shops that spray the scent of Christmas trees to bring pure and simple joy -- here are the people, places and things that make me smile. Gisele Scanlon x

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

If you liked the Goddess Guide this is your book, if you were irritated by the tid-bits and name dropping this is more of that and less information.

It's not the book for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 May, 2009: Finished reading
  • 5 May, 2009: Reviewed