Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

BlackMoon Reaper is book number eight in Charlotte Boyett-Compo's Western Wind series. The series features paranormal elements in the form of special soldiers with impressive weapons that protect humans called reapers. The reapers all have a territory and occasionally come together to meet at a central location or come to the aid of another brother reaper. I do recommend that you read previous titles but it's not absolutely necessary. This book would work fine as a stand alone title.

This story is the one of brother reaper, Phelan Kiel. Phelan has always been teased by his fellow reapers regarding his sexual orientation. He took all teasing in stride and neither acknowledged nor denied their remarks. This story captured my attention immediately. I have read all of the previous books in the series, and I knew that Phelan was a little mysterious and very little was known about him. I looked forward to learning more about him. Maybe you can tell I am totally vested in this series. I feel like I'm part of the reaper family. This book, as had the others, drew me directly into the plot and before I knew it was sneaking peeks at the story during my breaks and staying up late to finish the book.

As Phelan is trying to solve a mystery regarding the townspeople he is intrigued by a mysterious gunman, Fontabeau Sorn. Fontabeau is attracted to Phelan and determined to make sure that Phelan wants what he's offering. Phelan's quest takes him into the path of a madame, Lucy Louise Springbrook. Lucy-Lou likes what she sees and decides she wants the reaper to be her forever lover. My heart went out to Phelan while reading this book. His suffering was just unimaginable. I loved the brotherhood, protectiveness, and love that the other reapers displayed towards Phelan and his mate. The storyline was full of twists and turns and even one of the Shadowlords with authority over the reapers has to endure his own kind of suffering, humiliation, and pain to forge a new loving relationship with an unlikely person. The story had intrigue, adventure, suspense, and an abundance of no holds barred lovemaking. Boyett-Compo is a master at writing tasteful, detail oriented love scenes that make the reader feel a naughty--like you are a voyeur---but you can't turn away.

Reviewed by Michelle for Cocktails and Books

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  • 19 October, 2013: Reviewed