Reviewed by shannonmiz on

4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book. It was a very quick read, though the subject matter isn't exactly light. Taylor is given some information that would be heavy for anyone, let alone a teenager. As she struggles with this life-altering situation, she also is forced to deal with typical teen struggles. The journey she takes while coping with this is certainly heartwrenching.

What I liked: Sadly, I think the way her boyfriend behaved was probably what a lot of teens would do in that situation. I'd like to think that the world is just full of Kyles, but I would be kidding myself. I like the honesty. I was glad that I felt privy to the hell that Taylor was feeling, because it seemed, unfortunately, very accurate. And while I don't think I learned the lessons Taylor had to learn so young, I now know that the relationship shifts are very, very common.

There were plenty of lighthearted moments to offset the more somber moments. The relationships between Taylor and Kyle and Taylor and Liz were entertaining and fun, amidst an unfortunate setting. I enjoyed the transformations that the characters had to go through to get through the mess that had been thrust upon them.

What I didn't: At some points, I did think it felt a bit rushed. I liked that it was quickly paced, but at times it may have benefited from a slower pace. My only other complaint probably shows my age. There were times that I found myself asking why one character or the other was acting a certain way. Then I had to stop and remember that maybe ten (fine, who am I kidding, fifteen) years ago, I probably would have either acted or known someone who acted just like these characters. It was just a little hard for some reason for me to completely relate to Taylor, even though I certainly felt for her and her plight, and cheered for her throughout.

Bottom line: This is a very sweet book that moves quickly with some very fun characters. You can't help but like Taylor and Kyle (and Liz, too!). I definitely would recommend this book for a quick yet charming read. 3.5 Stars

Note: Copy was provided by author in exchange for honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 27 April, 2014: Reviewed