The Dream Crafter by Danielle Monsch

The Dream Crafter (Entwined Realms, #2)

by Danielle Monsch

A Legendary Spellbook. Everyone desires it, but he controls it.

The most feared mercenary in the New Realms, Merc takes what he thinks is a routine job - guarding a magic spellbook until a secret auction takes place, one where only the most powerful and influential will have the opportunity to bid. But one moment of carelessness makes this job the most personal he has ever had, and if that wasn't enough, his dreams are being invaded by a woman who his every instinct warns is trouble, but he can't stop wanting.

A Legendary Power. Everyone covets it, but can she master it?

One moment of terror took away Amana's security and her brother's freedom. Now her life is doing whatever she must to survive, all the while trying to find the way to release her brother from prison. Her answer comes in an offer from the Guild, but the cost is high - using a power she has kept locked away on a man who terrifies her even as he fascinates her.

As the auction draws ever closer, Merc and Amana are drawn into a game of cat-and-mouse, captor and captive as they battle for control, even as they work together to thwart the various factions who are willing to do anything to collect the spellbook for themselves. While grudging respect and mutual desire begin to shape their relationship, in the end, only one can prevail. What will be the ultimate decision, when the price of victory means the end to the other's dearest dream?

Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

I love this series. I think the world building is creative and is open for all sorts of story lines. The characters are so enjoyable. We’ve been waiting awhile for this second book and I tried really, really hard not to read it in one day but the best I could make myself do was two days. Now the wait beings again. MORE PLEASE!
This second novel in the Entwined Realms series focuses on a mercenary named Merc. The Guild wants to get their hands on Merc, or more particularly, what Merc is holding. Merc was able to obtain an object known as The Spellbook when the Guild’s vault was breached in Book 1, Stone Guadian, and hundreds of dangerous magical items were stolen.

Somehow a lowlife named Hadrien was able to put a Bound on Merc. The Bound requires that Merc to deliver the Spellbook to Hadrien at a specific time, or he will die. Obviously, whether or not he wants to work for Hadrian, Merc has no choice but to deliver the Spellbook to him. What Merc never expected was to be betrayed by the only person who has been able to get under his defenses and catch his interest.

Since she was a child, Amana has been able to visit people in dreams. When she walked into the dream of a man with such lovely eyes and a soul-deep kindness, there was an instant connection. She has never been interested enough to attempt to try to find someone she met in dreams, but this man she has to see again.

Amana is a Dream Crafter, but she never heard the term before the Guild came to see her. A Dream Crafter doesn’t just walk in someone’s dream and observe. They can do more than just affect the dream world. A Dream Crafter’s actions can use dreams to affect the real world as well.

The Guild wants something from Amana. They want it bad enough that they will set Amana’s brother free from his imprisonment, but she has to do something for them first. She has to go into the dream of a mercenary and steal a book from him. As the Oracle would say, there are no coincidences. Amana is devastated to find that mercenary just happens to be the man who is stealing her heart in the dreamscape. Amana will have to betray the man who could have been her future in order to save her brother.

She has no choice but to go to Merc again in his dream and this time steal the book, but by doing so, she sets off a chain of events that will have all the wrong people focusing on something more valuable than a powerful Spellbook — a Dream Crafter. Dream Crafters were killed off a long time ago because their powers rivaled the gods. To capture and control a Dream Crafter would make you a deadly opponent and nothing would be out of your reach.

Can Merc forgive Amana for her betrayal? More importantly, can he steal back and deliver the Spellbook in time to save himself from the Bound and still keep Amana safe from every lowlife scum looking to capture an ultimate power?

I just love this series. The world building of the Great Collision, smashing our dimension with that of a world of magic and fantasy, was so creative and clever. It truly opens this series up to any possible story line. We have been waiting for the second book to be released so I tried really, really hard not to read it too fast but I just couldn’t help myself. What are you supposed to do once you start a good book? Stop? Then I would just keep thinking about it anyway.

I would put Merc under my favorite category of damaged heroes even though he technically doesn’t fit. Merc isn’t damaged so much as misunderstood. Merc is a big, scary, dangerous-looking mercenary and most people are smart enough keep their distance from him. But underneath it all, Merc is just lonely. He doesn’t trust many people and with the exception of some loyal friends, no one takes the time to see the gooey, sweet guy inside. When Merc meets Amana in his dream, she sees this right away and wants to find him again. Merc thinks she is just a dream but he misses her just the same. When they meet again the next night, Merc and Amana are both floored by their connection, that’s why Merc is so hurt by her betrayal. To be fair, Amana has no idea that Merc has a Bound on him to deliver the book. Amana has been trying for a decade to free her brother from his prison so the Guild’s offer to free him is too much to pass up.

The Guild is a very important focus of these stories and many of the main characters of the series are part of the Guild. I thought it was interesting that the characters in all the books and novellas are always “Don’t trust the Guild.” In this one, we truly see why they say that. The Guild definitely have an underlying philosophy of “The ends justify the means.” Yes, the Spellbook is dangerous and needs to be locked away from the evil-doers who want to get their hands on it, but the Guild’s Plan B, C, D, E, etc. to get that book back no matter the consequences, kept putting Merc and Amana’s lives in serious peril. I was starting to question my own loyalty to the Guild.

The Merc/Amana connection was just so sweet. I loved them. There was a brief introduction of the characters which are part of the next book as well as a Fallon/Reign teaser. Love them! I really can’t wait to get to their story.

I love this series and can’t wait to read more.

Received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 October, 2015: Reviewed