Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This book covers a lot of relationship ground and does it really well.

Darcy Wilde is a research librarian at Emery University when she returns to Falcon, Alabama to nurse the grandmother who raised her. To say that Darcy doesn’t want to be there is putting it mildly, but she firmly believes you do for family. Robbie “Dalt” Dalton is a former Army Ranger who has moved to Falcon to be near his friend, Logan, and be the new football coach/math teacher. He has a whole luggage cart of baggage that he brings with him. The attraction between these two is immediate and when they realize they can’t fight it, they decide to have a “fun for now relationship.”

Trentham does a fabulous job of developing Darcy and Robbie as characters and letting us get to know them. They both have a lot going on and seeing how they handle the other relationships and obligations makes you like them even more. There is a wonderful cast of secondary characters, including the town of Falcon itself, that help drive the story along.

While the story revolves around the romance between Darcy and Robbie, there are also themes about relationships in general running through the book. You see examples of family, friends, mentors, and community relationships that grow and impact our hero and heroine and ultimately their relationship with each other. Slow and Steady Rush is a feel good story that has you rooting for everyone involved and looking forward to coming back for more.

Reviewed by Elizabeth B for Cocktails and Books

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  • 2 March, 2015: Reviewed