Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

It had been a while since I read the first book in the series, so it took me a few chapters in to remember what was going on and why, but once my memory was refreshed the storyline reminded me about why I was so anxious to continue on.

At the end of FLIGHT, Allie discovers she's mated to the Levi, the prince of the Supernatural community. She feels used and lied to, since Levi wasn't quite so forthcoming about what it meant to accept his ring and then have sex with him. Giving up her dreams of going to college at Princeton, Allie finds herself enrolled at Tulane and accepting not only Levi being a fixture in her life but his best friends serving as her bodyguards as well. Allie has a lot she's trying to grapple with. Her place within the Supernatural community, how her new status effects her relationship with her parents and what her true feelings are for Levi, despite the lies and half-truths. There are moments when Allie's actions and responses remind me of how young she is, but then there are other times when you can see her growing up and understanding just what she needs to do.

Levi is a character I love. He has an agenda and it's to win Allie over. He knows he loves her and he's confident that she still loves him, despite how she's acting. He stops at nothing to protect his mate. Does he know it bothers Allie when he's overbearing, yes, but he's grown up in the Supernatural community and he knows what it means for him to have his mate. Even though he's willing to give Allie a little bit of space to come to grips with everything, he's not willing to let her out of his sight for fear something might happen to her. For Levi, everything he does is about Allie and his love for her.

This middle book is about Levi and Allie getting back on track. There is the running story about other supernaturals trying to take out Levi's family, which includes Allie, but that tends to take a bit of a back seat to Levi and Allie's relationship finding solid ground.

I enjoyed the story and remembered exactly why I loved FLIGHT so much....which is Levi. I devoured this book because I had to know what happened next. A series I highly recommend.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 16 July, 2013: Reviewed