Remember When by T. Torrest

Remember When (Remember Trilogy, #1)

by T. Torrest

Author's Note: Remember When is the first book in a romance trilogy. It is intended for readers 17+ due to some high school sex scenes, questionable language, underage drinking and 1980s flashbacks.

Years before Trip Wiley could be seen on movie screens all over the world, he could be seen sitting in the desk behind me in my high school English class.

This was back in 1990, and I cite the year only to avoid dumbfounding you when references to big hair or stretch pants are mentioned. Although, come to think of it, I am from New Jersey, which may serve as explanation enough. We were teenagers then, way back in a time before anyone, himself included, could even dream he’d turn into the Hollywood commodity that he is today.

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you who Trip Wiley is. But on the off chance you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade, just know that these days, he’s the actor found at the top of every casting director’s wish list. He’s incredibly talented and insanely gorgeous, the combination of which has made him very rich, very famous and very desirable.

And not just to casting directors, either.

I can’t confirm any of the gossip from his early years out in Tinseltown, but based on what I knew of his life before he was famous, I can tell you that the idea of Girls-Throwing-Themselves-At-Trip is not a new concept.

I should know. I was one of them.

And my life hasn’t been the same since.

Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
I just loved Remember When! it was almost like time capsule for me in many ways, even if I was across the ocean, many things, like the parties and the friendships were so similar.

(un)conventionally short:

Who hasn't wondered what happened with the one who got away? And what if he has become famous since way back when? Remember When touched on both of these subjects, and it was a different kind of second chance at love story, too. Torrest managed to bring me straight back to the 90s, and I think that helped me feel so connected to Layla and Trip.

Part of Remember When is the 90s, when Layla and Trip first met. Then, there is a separation and everything that comes with adult life. When friends lose sight of each other. When doubts creep in concerning feelings that were strong at the time.

Remember When is the first in a trilogy, so this story is only the beginning. And the trip down memory lane is both painful and beautiful at the same time. When Trip and Layla meet again, it's for her to interview him. The famous actor who has made it big. And it seems he has the world at his fingertips.

He grinned. "Oh, don't pretend like Twinkies aren't your favorite. I went to a lot of trouble to get those for you." I said,"Oh, I'll bet," but he was right. I freakin' loved Twinkies. I opened the cellophane wrapper and handed him one. "My father always taught me it was bad luck to twink alone."

I knew that Trip and I had crossed over into some exciting new territory that night and I was just dying to find out where it was leading. 

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  • Started reading
  • 27 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 May, 2017: Reviewed