Reviewed by limabean74 on

4 of 5 stars


My Review

I read this book in one sitting, sort of; it was like a night then the next day. I couldn't put it down and I honestly loved the entire story and the characters. It was cute, intense, romantic and funny.

This is a great book to read on a quiet day or even on the beach (or any day really) ;) it makes me want to go on a cruise (never have) they seem like so much fun :)

Georgia Cantwell is having some issues but she can't tell anyone so he has no choice but to go on a cruise with her college sorority Kappa Beta Kappa and best friend. She was suppose to room with her boyfriend Hunter but they just broke up and now she has to room with someone else. That someone just so happens to be the extremely handsome Jace McLaren who just so happens to be the womanizer of the connecting fraternity.

I thought Georgia was annoying but I liked her, I just wanted her to stop being so negative and have a good time, with everything going on at home I think she needed a break. I felt bad for her but I wanted to smack her around a little bit. Jace McLauren isn't what he seems but to me he seems ADORABLE!! I loved him and thought he was such a super sweetheart and funny. Hearing his story I felt bad for him but I can tell he was really trying to make something of himself. I adored them together and wanted them to be together so bad they were perfect for each other.

The story is told in both of their POV’s, which I actually liked, I enjoyed reading about how they both felt about the situations and what they were thinking about each other. It's a cute and interesting story with lots of intense moment. It has some steamy parts that would make your grandma blush, unless your grandma is a dirty birdie then she will love it :)

I gave Full Steam Ahead by Valerie Chase 4/5 stars. I loved the characters, the story and the steamy parts. The story was sweet and intense, a read that will surely keep you up way past your bed time to finish. I highly recommend!


Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my review

Have a great day and Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life

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  • Started reading
  • 29 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 April, 2014: Reviewed