Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

3 of 5 stars


I'm Only Here for the Beard is book 4 of the Dixie Wardens Rejects series but it is a stand alone. You have met Sean in previous books, so it was about time he had his own! Sean is a genuinely nice guy. He isn't a man whore, he isn't looking to hit it and quit it, but he can't seem to find a woman who wants to stick around. Naomi recently uprooted her life and moved to Mooresville after her brother hit her with his car and the man she had a crush on married someone else. Yeah, these two are kind of sad sacks!

Naomi's character was instantly interesting to me because of what she was going through when the book starts. She had been hit by her brother in a drunk driving accident and was seriously injured. She had to have a colostomy bag! This type of issue is unheard of in romance novels (I mean, there is nothing sexy about a poo bag). I am so glad Vale created  character who is going through this because its REAL. Sean was dealing with his own heart break when Naomi shows up in town and is assigned to be his new partner at work (they are EMTs).

The story lacks an overarching focus. There is the initial meet-cute, then a strange bike accident, then Naomi getting her surgery, then distance and anger between the two, then a murder, and then its over. I guess the general plot of the book is about how Sean and Naomi cope with the day to day life but the lack of focus sometimes made me feel disconnected.

I really liked Naomi. She is honest and realistic. When she makes a mistake, she owns up to it (even if it takes her a bit to recognize the mistake!). Sean was mostly likable but near the end I really struggled with some of his actions. I understood where he was coming from, but it was just not okay.

Overall, I'm Only Here for the Beard was enjoyable and light with enough suspense to keep me wanting to hear more. Lloyd and Taylor are excellent narrators and I continue to enjoy their storytelling!


  • POV: dual 1st

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: MC, coworkers

  • Triggers: none

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone within an interconnected series

  • Cliffhanger: no

  • HEA: yes with multiple epilogues

Outlaw Ride by Sarah Hawthorne, Clutch by L. Wilder, Ignite by Drew Elyse...then you will probably like I'm Only Here for the Beard!


I'm Only Here for the Beard

 See full review on The Book Disciple

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  • Started reading
  • 22 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 22 February, 2018: Reviewed