Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

I keep on reading this series, and well it's really starting to get good. The apocolypse, the black creeping more and more into London. This world that has been created is magical (excuse the pun), it's original, and very creative. And an ending that will blow your mind. I was like WHAT!?!?!? What I don't like about these books, is Pete's attitude, her I'm a barney bad ass gets a lil old after a bit, but that doesn't deter me from the story oh no, I just roll my eyes at that, and yeah sometimes laugh cause come on, it's funny, and keep on reading.

Ms. Kittredge is a genious with the world she has created, this is a series I haven't ever came across before, the mix between fae, necromancers, mages, and the like is impressive, and keeps me wanting to read more. Which I will be because I'm dying to know what adventure and mayhem Pete and Jack will have next.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 16 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 16 September, 2013: Reviewed