Mouse Bird Snake Wolf by David Almond

Mouse Bird Snake Wolf

by David Almond

The dream team of David Almond and Dave McKean bring us a complete story set in an incomplete world.

The gods have created a world – they've built mountains, a sea and a sky – and now their days are filled with long naps in the clouds (and tea and cake). That's until Harry, Sue and Little Ben begin to fill the gaps of the world: with a mousy thing, a chirpy thing and a twisty legless thing. As the children's ideas take shape, the power of their visions proves to be greater than they, or the gods, could ever...

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Reviewed by nannah on

2 of 5 stars

This little book is whimsical. It's beautiful, with illustrations that transport and transfix you, but at the last page, I feel largely unchanged. Maybe I just . . . didn't "get it". Maybe it's not a book to be understood--just enjoyed--but I dunno. I wouldn't ever pick it up again.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 17 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 17 February, 2016: Reviewed