Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

Author Stephanie Black has a new mystery/suspense novel out called, Not A Word. This book grabs you from the first page and the angst and suspense don't let up throughout the book. Stephanie knows how to create the tension and arouse suspicion on every single character. I'm always impressed at how she writes a mystery so detailed and interwoven that you know it must have taken many hours to map it out.

Main character Natalie Marsh is one I liked because she was so well balanced. Natalie isn't all super woman nor quivering maiden in distress; she is strong and confident at times, but also shows normal human weakness and is vulnerable. The reader is very able to relate to her and how she handles most things. This character has had a hard life, but still manages to be well rounded and likable. Some of the other characters are over the top strange and campy, but they were fun to read about; for example wealthy businessman Bob Chapman, Lacey's husband Jonas, Natalie's sister Andrea, and even Camille, Natalie's best friend.

Not A Word is addicting and is hard to put down. Don't rely on the "Just one more chapter" and think you'll be able to go to bed. I was kept fully engrossed in the story trying to piece everything together. I know that other readers will find this to be true with them too. I liked this mystery/ suspense, the well-written plot and the variety of quirky characters that will keep you reading into the wee hours of the night.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 9 November, 2016: Reviewed