Eat This, Not That by David Zinczenko

Eat This, Not That

by David Zinczenko

The US Amazon #1 bestseller comes to the UK. Fully adapted for the UK market, Eat This, Not That! shows you that you can burn fat and build the body you want - not by restricting your diet, but by making informed, healthy food choices. And now, making the right choice every time is simple! Whether you're in the supermarket, at a fast food restaurant, the local deli or even your own kitchen, you're faced with dozens of food choices every single day. Which ones help you look and feel fit and slim - and which are loaded with hidden calories, fats and other nasty stuff? You'll never know, unless you read Eat This, Not That!

With this simple illustrated guide to hundreds of foods - along with nutrition secrets that lead to fast and permanent weight loss - you'll make the right choice every time.

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

This was a short read, but informative! There was a lot I already know, but there were also some things that surprised me, like that Chik-Fil-A has some of the healthiest sandwiches and the ranking of what restaurants are considered healthier than others. I also liked the non-restaurant specific section that covered the best options for different types of cuisine, like Mexican and Chinese. I don’t know that making these swaps is enough alone for someone to lose 30 pounds, but it is a good starter guide for making better choices.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 22 February, 2010: Finished reading
  • 22 February, 2010: Reviewed