Bitter Blood by Rachel Caine

Bitter Blood (Morganville Vampires, #13)

by Rachel Caine

For years, the human and vampire residents of Morganville, Texas, have managed to co-exist in peace. But now that the threat to the vampires has been defeated, the human residents are learning that the gravest danger they face is the enemy within.

Thanks to the eradication of the parasitic creatures known as the draug, the vampires of Morganville have been freed of their usual constraints. With the vampires indulging their every whim, the town's human population is determined to hold on to their lives by taking up arms. But college student Claire Danvers isn't about to take sides, considering she has ties to both the humans and the vampires.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

3 of 5 stars

Ok this one was pretty anti-climatic. I must say it wasn't a fave of mine in this series. And I have a fear that the series is losing it's umph. It's started to get to the point where I am getting kind of glad that the series is coming to a close soon. It just didn't give me the zing that previous books have given me. I hope the next few books will be better.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 12 March, 2014: Reviewed