Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

Maddie Dean’s life has been one terrible mishap after another. While being a danger magnet, she’s also plagued by visions of frighteningly horrendous creatures in her mirrors. Who could be at fault? Not Maddie. She works hard and slaves away everyday, yet her boyfriend dumps her because he thinks she’s crazy.

None of those things are Maddie’s fault. They are in fact the fault of a demon. He made a pact with Maddie’s biological father to claim her soul when she was just six months old. Ash has been a shadow for the majority of Maddie’s life, waiting for just the right moment to take her soul. He ends up saving her life instead. The two share a passionate night that leads to another and another after that. Maddie believes there is a time limit on their affair, but she ends up wanting more.

Unknown to Maddie, Ash is in a battle with Heaven to claim her soul. While waiting for his day in a neutral court, Ash experiences something he never thought possible, love.

Cherrie Lynn takes the age old fight between Heaven and Hell, adds a demon, a few angels, and a pure soul to weave a passionate and elaborate tale. The chemistry between Maddie and Ash sizzles across the pages as they dive head first into temptation.

While there is a small cast of characters, Lynn’s world building is outstanding. If you’d like another taste of this world you can read Celeste and Damael’s story, Sweet Disgrace.

I received Far From Heaven for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 30 August, 2019: Reviewed