Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Oh little wolfy, what on earth were you waiting for?

Hmmm, Tempting Ecstasy…this one left me a wee bit frustrated. In the series so far we’ve met each of the couples and gone through their lust filled journey to their first connection that brings on the mating frenzy. With Conn and Dacia, the main characters, Dacia is innocent and Conn was patient and thoughtful…HUH??? The Guardian’s aren’t patient and thoughtful. They’re animals that are ruled by their uncontrollable need to mate. Maybe it was my mood, but I just wanted him to get growly, demanding and tell her to get her head out of her arse and bend over. Well he could maybe be a little nicer and say, please bend over. Dacia was very inexperienced and with the whole situation being a complete surprise to her, she felt she needed to understand things before she could commit. I felt that if Dacia had loosened her control a little and let Conn guide her, Conn, Dacia and my frustration wouldn’t have gone on so long.

So even though the actual mating frenzy and ritual didn’t happen until the second part of the book, it was still a really hot read. Conn has a potty mouth and would tell Dacia all his deepest darkest desires. With Dacia having practically no experience, his words had the desired effect of uncontrollable lust.

Wait a second…it’s just hit me. This book was written for the people who like the slow burn, drawn out sexual tension, with intense orgasms at the end of six hours of foreplay. Now I get it. It explains why it didn’t work for me. I’m a slam bam thank you Ma’am kind of reader. The first time should be fast, intense and a little crazy in my opinion. If you like the slow burn, delayed gratification kind of foreplay, you’ll love Conn.

I really enjoyed this story and loved seeing old and new characters meet and interact. Elizabeth the psycho chicken is still playing her dark and twisted games. Cynthia is a baddie for all the wrong reasons. Drake has issue with smoke coming out his nose. Sirena is working her arse off but showing signs of frustration. Gregoire is still a possessive crazy horsey man when it comes to Alysa’s safety. Bastian is still quiet…and Jax is still dipping and slipping into anything that climbs into his bed. We meet Dacia’s brothers and sisters who are mostly lovable, but a little frustrated with all the changes being thrust upon them.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again…this series is addictive. Setta Jay has created characters that are intense, sexy, strong and determined. There is always a riveting story line, with a lot of hot and kinky sexy times as well. I will definitely be going on in the series.

I received a complimentary copy of Tempting Ecstasy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 18 October, 2015: Reviewed