Reviewed by lizarodz on

4 of 5 stars

This is a short novella and you can gather from the title that it is a re-telling of Beastly from Lindy’s point of view.

In Lindy’s diary we get an insight to her side of the story and of the thoughts and feelings about Kyle and Adrian. All in all Lindy comes across as normal teenager with a huge crush on the most popular kid in school, that feels like a fish out of the water due to being a ‘nerd’ and being the ‘poor girl’ in a school full of rich kids. I admire her drive to be more, to be hungry for knowledge and know that her way out of her situation is getting a great education. It is hard to read this novella and not feel pity for her.

If you read Beastly, you know the plot and the story, I prefer Beastly because it had more detail and felt less rushed and better paced. I still enjoyed this novella; it has a quick read and a most for Beastly fans.

About the cover: A rose had to be present of course, I like this cover much better than Beastly's.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 28 March, 2012: Reviewed