Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

Derek, The Duke of Chase, is not what he seems. To the world he is nothing more than a rake who has seen more married women’s bedrooms than their husbands have. In reality, he helps women out of terrible marriages or situations, sometimes even testifying in divorce trials. A man such as he has also made one vow, never to sire a child. When confronted with a father gambling away his daughter, Derek can’t look away. He never vowed not to take a wife.

Lady Victoria Kirby was raised to appreciate the artifacts of the past. She only wants to dig to her heart’s content for the rest of her days and thinks as the daughter of a wealthy marquess she will be able to do just that. That all comes crashing down when she meets The Duke of Chase when he crashes into her bedroom to tell her he has just won her from her father.

On the surface, Derek and Victoria believe they will have the best marriage of convenience, friends but never lovers. Of course, noting goes to plan.

Devon brings the romance, the mystery, and the fun with The Wedding Wager. She brings us two dynamic characters who the world would never think of pairing together who turn out to be the perfect match. While she gives us several twists and turns as we try to figure out why Derek made the vow he did, she gives us a steamy romance to give all our hearts a flutter. If you’ve never read an Eva Devon novel, this is an amazing book to start on!

I received The Wedding Wager for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 8 October, 2021: Finished reading
  • 8 October, 2021: Reviewed