So says the dedication, and I’m not that “J.,” but that only means there are at least two of us out there.
I was completely unprepared for how much I needed this book. There’s the church stuff, which is accurate, and cathartic, and redeeming. And there’s Steven. I’ve known one too many guys cast in that mold and yet I was still shocked by how strongly I reacted to his machinations. Revenge is not usually something I’m into. I was into it here.
But what I was most unprepared for was Jane herself. I swear, 90% of her thoughts are thoughts I’ve had. That doesn’t happen with me in books. I’ve caught glimmers of myself in characters before, an aspect here or there, but this might be the closest depiction of what’s inside my head. I read books for Jane’s reasons. I’m great at small talk for Jane’s reasons. I’ve felt broken for Jane’s reasons. I’ve thought, if not said: “But you’re going to want a real girl.” It grew downright spooky; I’d have a thought, and a couple lines later, there it was on the page. Thank goodness I have a warm, loving family, or the other 10% of her thoughts would be mine too.
So, Jane. I love her. And Luke! This book needed Luke, and that ending, and Luke is the best.
There is hope.
“I don’t understand babies, but this is like the touching end of a TV season, and I understand that.”