Death, Taxes, and a Skinny No-whip Latte by Diane Kelly

Death, Taxes, and a Skinny No-whip Latte (Tara Holloway, #2)

by Diane Kelly

When she joined the Criminal Investigations Division, Tara knew she'd be investigating some very real crooks. Forget about waitresses hiding tips from the IRS or babysitters not declaring income! Tara and her partner, Eddie, are going after one of country's richest, dirtiest felons. Being on a diet doesn't help Tara's mood much. Hopefully, by the time the investigation is over, she'll be sitting somewhere in a string bikini, far, far away...But first: Reality. Marcos Mendoza is a suspected loan shark with connections across the Mexican border. He's never been accused of any crimes, yet his business associates have a history of disappearing...and body bags. Will Tara risk life, limb, and the pursuit of filing a joint tax return with her maybe-serious boyfriend Brett? Fighting crime, like drinking a cup of coffee with low-fat milk and artificial sweetener, is often bittersweet...

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

I took a break from reading this book after about 6 chapters because it wasn't holding my attention. I picked it back up after a few days and found myself much more interested in the rest of the book. Slow start or short attention span, the book picked up quickly afterwards and while you pretty much always know who the bad guy is, I found myself looking forward to finding out how they catch him in the end. Lots of action, a few slapstick moments and great characters. I'll be on the lookout for the third book.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 21 March, 2012: Reviewed