Hula Done It? by Maddy Hunter

Hula Done It? (Passport to Peril Mystery, #4)

by Maddy Hunter

Dead in the Water

For travel escort Emily Andrew and her fellow Iowans, aloha means "hello" to all the sun, surf, and scrumptious cuisine their Hawaiian cruise has to offer. But for Professor Dorian Smoker, a renowned expert on the legendary Captain Cook, aloha also means "good-bye" -- as in "man overboard."
Sure, it could have been an accident. But Emily wonders if some guest with a grudge might have knocked off the opinionated professor. Or maybe it had something to do with that missing journal Nana's friend lent him -- the one with the mysterious...Read more

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3 of 5 stars

Not the best in the series, but definitely not the worst. This book marked the beginning of the series improvement, imho. While the characters have always been amusing, the plot in the early stories was often weak, and the protagonists ability to leap to wild conclusions annoying. This book was slightly more credible and the protagonist seemed to think things through a bit more. Overall, very enjoyable read.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 November, 2010: Finished reading
  • 6 November, 2010: Reviewed