My Review Of
Indexing by Seanan McGuire
Fairy-tales are real folks, yes they are real and the ATI Management Bureau is tasked with preventing them to become full blown. Henry aka Snow White is the leader of the team that prevents these fairy-tales called memetic incursions, from developing into a full blown story which would be catastrophic in an Urban area. This tale was told almost like a collection of short stories but at the same time had a general plot going on. Sloan was the wicked step sister to Henry's good girl Snow White character. As the story unfolded I became more and more immersed in this world of fairy-tale like characters with their twisted tales. There is a little tiny bit of romance between Henry and Jeff but they are too busy preventing fairy-tales from becoming full blown disasters such as a sleeping beauty causing everyone around her to fall asleep, imagine that happening in NYC??! Or a Cinderella gone homicidal. This was a fun book I quickly downloaded book two from audible since I enjoyed listening to this one so much.
This review was originally posted on My Fiction Obsession