Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

3 of 5 stars

How Forever Feels was a struggle at times for me to read. Here is what I liked:
Maya is strong and independent. I love her for that. I also love that she TRASHED her ex's house. Kudos girl! She deserved some outlet for her frustration!
I love the characters from the previous books. Not only are they wonderful characters on their own, they made a great support system for Maya.

So, why 3 stars?
Jack was probably my least favorite hero. He is so weak willed. He won't stand up for anyone, not even himself.
What he asks of Maya (with the flowers)...just UGH! No.
Even when they admit their feelings I didn't believe it would work. I loved Maya so much and I wanted someone who was STRONG for her. Stood up for her. Was willing to do anything for her. I didn't get that at all about Jack. Hell, I was kind of hoping she would just have Griffin's baby and stay single. Thats how much I didn't like Jack.

I have enjoyed this series so perhaps I am being tougher on How Forever Feels because of that. Maybe I am just being too judgmental? Maybe you will fall in love with Jack and think I am an idiot! While you don't have to read the other books before this one, they are great and will really help you know the supporting characters!
Heat: 2.5

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  • Started reading
  • 1 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 October, 2015: Reviewed