The Tapestry of Love by Rosy Thornton

The Tapestry of Love

by Rosy Thornton

A warm and uplifting story of how a woman falls in love with a place and its people: a landscape, a community and a fragile way of life.

A rural idyll: that's what Catherine is seeking when she sells her house in England and moves to a tiny hamlet in the CĂ©vennes mountains. With her divorce in the past and her children grown, she is free to make a new start, and her dream is to set up in business as a seamstress. But this is a harsh and lonely place when you're no longer just here on holiday. There is French bureaucracy to contend with, not to mention the mountain weather, and the reserve of her neighbours, including the intriguing Patrick Castagnol. And that's before the arrival of Catherine's sister, Bryony...

Reviewed by Leah on

1 of 5 stars

In lieu of an official review (I can't review it, I didn't finish it), I'd just like to say that although I've given it 1 star it's probably not a 1 star read.

I just couldn't get into it at all, it was just too slow for my liking and I just felt the plot wasn't going any where. I persevered for perseverance's sake but I just couldn't continue. I think the book was just too "old" for me, if you will, and I don't think I could fully appreciate the plot or the writing.

I'll keep my copy of the novel and will see if it appeals any time in the future!

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 10 October, 2010: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2010: Reviewed