Saga Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan

Saga Volume 2 (Saga, #2)

by Brian K. Vaughan

  • The smash-hit ongoing epic continues! Thanks to her star-crossed parents
    Marko and Alana, newborn baby Hazel has already survived lethal assassins,
    rampaging armies, and alien monstrosities, but in the cold vastness of outer
    space, the little girl encounters something truly frightening: her
  • Named one of Time Magazine's top 10 graphic novels for

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

Oh Saga, where do I even begin with you. You’re weird and most of the time you make little to no sense, but you have this weird charm about you that makes me like you…though it is definitely grudgingly.

So from my review of volume one you can probably tell I wasn’t fond of this series, but my friend bought the second volume and I figured I’d give it another shot. Maybe…just maybe it’ll get better. Well it did…but only marginally. SO now instead of angrily asking WTF, I’m asking WTF with a slight laugh. In all honesty nearly all of the same issues i had with the comic before, still stand. It’s randomly vulgar for no reason except to be vulgar (and I have a high tolerance for vulgarity), there is still very little world building, and like none of the alien species except two are really explained or gone into any sort of depth over. I think I’ve just reverted into mild acceptance at this point. It’s weird, it won’t explain itself so I might as well enjoy the weirdness. Though maybe not as much as other people seem to be. I feel like I’m missing something to be honest.

The art is still gorgeous and the panels are fantastic to look at, which remains to be the best thing about the comic. The dialogue is still pretty great and I do appreciate the realism in how the characters act, but when it comes to plot…it’s sort of flimsy and that’s a bit disappointing.

All of my stars go toward the art, the characters, and the dialogue…No doubt I’ll read volume three sometimes in the future, but I’m in no rush to see this one to the end.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 7 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 7 January, 2015: Reviewed