The Dark Horse by Patricia Simpson

The Dark Horse

by Patricia Simpson

Jack Hughes is a cowboy who lives in solitude - mostly because he finds that being around people is stressful, and when he gets stressed out, he turns into a black stallion. It's definitely strange, and he'd rather just be left alone, a freak of nature by himself. But when he meets Claire, a young scientist searching for the Fountain of Youth, he can't resist her. Against his better judgement, he agrees to be her guide through the mountains near Lake Tahoe. He thinks Claire is normal, except for her belief that the Fountain of Youth is real, but everyone has a flaw. Then weird things start to happen to them, and Jack begins to realize that there are more things in heaven and earth than a shape-shifting cowboy.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Claire Coulter's brother is dying and her creepy boss offers her a chance to save him. They're going to try to find a fountain of youth. She doesn't really believe but he's paying and she has skills he needs.

She doesn't know that he's being led by a mysterious backer who has little regard for her and she's also finding herself attracted to their guide. A man with secrets.

I like the characters and the romance was quite believable.

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  • 15 June, 2009: Reviewed