ABC for Me: ABC What Can She Be? by Jessie Ford

ABC for Me: ABC What Can She Be? (ABC for Me)

by Jessie Ford

ABC What Can She Be? presents a world of possibilities—from astronaut to zoologist and everything in between—for all little girls with big dreams.

Not even the sky is the limit with this fun approach to learning the alphabet! This book from Walter Foster Jr. encourages young girls by presenting a colorful variety of choices for their future careers. Talented illustrator Jessie Ford artfully pairs the letters of the alphabet with vibrant, eye-catching illustrations that paint an inspiring picture for budding trailblazers everywhere. Representing all kinds of girls, ABC What Can She Be? depicts girls with different colors, sizes, shapes, and...Read more

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

ABC What Can She Be? is a new book from the ABC for me series. It's a boardbook aimed at very young children and their caregivers. Published 02 Oct 2018 by Quarto publishing imprint Walter Foster Jr., it's 36 colorful pages. Illustrated by Jessie Ford of Sugar Snap Studio, it's an alphabet book full of dreams for girls.

I liked that the book included careers with long and demanding educational paths (neurosurgeon and quantum physicist) side by side with vocational careers (mechanic and chef). The girls pictured are ethnically diverse and differently-abled.

I am an optimist and believe that someday (soon) we won't need books telling our daughters that they can choose whatever career paths they wish to pursue, but we're not there yet. This is a sweet and non-judgemental book.

The text is written in non-rhyming free verse with a one sentence explanation of what each job entails.

Thoroughly charming. I really liked it and think it would make a nice reading group selection in a classroom setting for younger kids.

Five stars

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • 13 October, 2018: Reviewed